13 – 17 juillet 2024, Cracovie (Pologne)

Conference topics

  1. Marine organisms, fungi, microbes and plants as chemical factories
  2. Cutting edge technologies in natural product drug discovery, formulation and development
  3. Natural products in the era of emerging infectious diseases
  4. Medicinal natural products: from bench to bedside
  5. Natural product research and the challenges of climate change – ecological and environmental solutions
  6. Biotransformation and biosynthesis of natural products
  7. Total synthesis and biomimetic synthesis of natural products
  8. Genetic engineering of food crops and medicinal plants
  9. Natural cosmetics, nutraceuticals, and food supplements
  10. Regulation for the use of natural products in food and drugs
  11. Medicinal Plants and Natural Products in Animal Healthcare and Veterinary Medicine

Renseignements et inscriptions :

International congress on natural products research